Streamline invoice processing with AP automation.

Our automated accounts payable workflows boost invoice processing efficiency, minimize error, and empower your team.
Zenphi Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) enables seamless AP automation to transform hours of manual processing into a matter of minutes. Simply build your tasks into a flowchart, and we’ll take care of the rest. 
  • Liberate your team from endless manual invoice processing
  • Improve accuracy & compliance, and prevent fraud
  • Minimize your risk of human error
  • Pay invoices on time, every time
  • Optimize your AP workflows.

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Preconfigured templates to kickstart your automations

We've done the work for you with customizable templates you can pick up and run with - like automating a simple invoice approval process in only a few minutes. Schedule a call with us to start setting up your workflows in no time.
Invoice Routing & Approval
Automatically monitor a Gmail inbox for incoming invoice emails. Once an email is received, it's sent to the appropriate team member for approval, followed by the finance team for processing.
Expense Reimbursement
Enable employees to submit expenses with multiple line items, automatically routing the request to their manager identified in Google Directory, and then to Finance for processing.
Document Approval Loop
Initiate an approval loop to kick off automatically as a document is uploaded to a Google Drive folder. This is fully customizable; there can be as many steps and people involved in the process as you wish.

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