Quite often our business processes involve getting one or more approvals from employees. We automate many things, as we should, but humans still play a critical role in the flow of our processes. Approval Tasks is a good and common example of human involvement in the automated processes. 

zenphi brings sophisticated no code approval workflow automations to Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). You can easily involve your employees in your processes with a few drag drops.

Say, you want to automate your travel approval process, where an employee submits a request using Google Forms. You can easily drag drop an Assign Task action and configure it in matter of minutes to get the employee’s manager’s approval


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While Assign Task Action on it’s own is really useful, you would normally need a few supporting actions as well. In our example above, we would normally want to dynamically look up the employee’s manager and assign the task to her. Luckily zenphi has all those supporting actions. To get an employee’s manager, you just need to drag drop a Get Manager Action and configure to get the manager for the employee submitting the form 

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You can learn more about Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Approval Workflows and Approval Tasks through our Youtube Channel.