Transforming Google Admin Tasks into Effortless Automation

Unlock the power of seamless, automated management for Google Workspace. Streamline your admin tasks, enhance efficiency, and focus on what truly matters


Where Automation Meets Efficiency

Managing Google Workspace services across an organization involves a complex web of tasks — from provisioning user access to ensuring data security and compliance. Traditional  approaches struggle to keep pace with the dynamic needs of modern businesses, where agility and data integrity are paramount. 

Enter Zenphi, Google Workspace automation software, designed to change the way businesses manage their Google Workspace administration. Our solution brings the power of automation to Google Workspace, transforming a once cumbersome process into a streamlined, error-free operation. By automating routine tasks such as account creation, external file sharing audits, ‘zombie’ drives managementusers achieving and deletion, permission settings, revoking access to Google drives and security protocols, we not only save valuable time but also enhance the overall security and efficiency of your digital workspace. 


100% of IT professionals using Zenphi for Google admin tasks automations report a significant improvement in operational efficiency and team collaboration


Increasing Your Google Admin Tasks Management Efficiency with Every Click

Custom Workflow Creation

Easily design custom workflows tailored to your unique business processes with our drag-and-drop interface — no coding required.

Automated User Provisioning

Automate the entire user account lifecycle, from creation, update, to deletion, based on HR triggers or other criteria.

Automated Data Collection and Processing

Zenphi allows you to automatically collect data from various sources (for example, Google Forms responses or Gmail attachments), and process this data within workflows.

Advanced Security Management

Implement advanced security policies, including automatic 2FA enrollment, password compliance checks, and monitoring of suspicious activities, all within a unified dashboard.

Comprehensive Compliance Controls

Ensure compliance with industry regulations through automated audit trails, data retention policies, and access controls.

Seamless Integrations

Our platform seamlessly integrates with other business tools and applications, enhancing the Google Workspace ecosystem.

Collaboration-First Approach

Designed to encourage collaboration, Zenphi allows teams to share, review, and manage workflows together.

Streamline Your Operations: Automating Google Account Management Tasks With Zenphi

Google Admin tasks automation ensures that user access rights are accurately aligned with their roles and responsibilities, enhances security protocols, and maintains compliance with regulatory standards. This not only boosts operational efficiency but also allows IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine administrative tasks, driving overall business growth and agility.

Google Workspace License Management

Automatically identify inactive users in your Google Workspace account, export them as a list to review, and revoke Google Workspace licenses for the approved users.

External File Sharing Monitoring

Automate extra-domain sharing activities and build a workflow that would notify users who breached your data security policies and assign them a task of taking action.

Zombie Drives Management

Automatically audit shared drives with no members within your Google Workspace and solve the problem of so called zombie drives once and for all through a very simple automated workflow.

Remote Work Requests Approval

Standardize remote work requests approval without compromising your data security. Establish full visibility and control over out-of-the office access to sensitive information and files sharing.

Third Party Software Package Management

Automate the process of gaining approval to use a third party component in your software product. Keep an up-to-date registry of the approved components and their versions, and automatically notify component users if a vulnerability is found.

IT Incident Management

Automate the process of IT incident management, from reporting until it’s resolved. Organize tasks and priorities across your IT team, keep track of incidents and get insights into incidents across your company.

IT Service Desk Request

Automate your IT service desk request process to standardize inputs from requesters, control priorities, track communication, and gain insight into what’s happening in a single place. Put the whole process on autopilot, monitor ticket status through dashboards, free up your IT resources and provide a better service.

Employee’s IT Asset Management

Easily automate your IT asset management workflow end to end. Enable employees to request IT devices through a form, keep track of the device delivery and any communication required, and keep an inventory of asset allocation all within zenphi.

Google Workspace User Management

Streamline the process for Google Workspace user management: from Google Group creation requests approvals to automated signature updates, automated employee onboarding and speicific data access management approval.

Our Google Admin tool integrates seamlessly with your existing tech stack

Case study: Emerson College Boosts Data Security

Learn how a large US-based college is using Zenphi to automate Google Admin tasks to enhance security protocols and save 50 hours per workflow.


Celebrating Their Wins With Our Solution

Thanks to Zenphi, our compliance and data security protocols have improved by 100%. We are also saving now up to 40-50 hours per workflow, completely eliminating the need for manual file sharing audits.
Francis Frain
Information Security and IT Infrastructure, Emerson College


Yes, Zenphi is fully compatible with all Google Workspace applications, including Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Sheets, and more. We ensure seamless integration to automate your admin tasks effectively.

We offer a variety of pricing plans to fit businesses of all sizes and needs. From basic to premium packages, our pricing is designed to be transparent and scalable. For detailed pricing information, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales team. Learn more on our pricing page.

Zenphi enhance security by enforcing consistent access controls, automating security protocols like two-factor authentication, and providing real-time monitoring for any unusual activity. This proactive approach significantly mitigates potential security risks.

Apps Script, as well as Zenphi, solve the same problem: they help automate operations that involve Google Workspace. The difference is that Zenphi is designed specifically for simplifying Google Workspace processes automation. It’s much less about code and no-code environment, and much more about efficiency. Consider this: how much time would you need to script simple automations performed within Google web services? Now, add time for testing and deployment, then resources for debugging and maintenance.  With Zenphi you can do all that and more in minutes. 

Yes, Zenphi enables complete ownership and customization of automation processes on par with building them from scratch. It provides comprehensive control over workflow design, allowing users to meticulously tailor each step to their exact requirements, ensuring that the automation perfectly aligns with their operational needs.

Getting started is quick and easy. Once you sign up, you can immediately begin automating your Google Workspace management tasks. We also offer resources and support to help you set up your first automation flows smoothly.