Sales Operations Automation
Drive More Deals, Not Costs

Zenphi Automates Your Sales Cycle Within Google Workspace at Unbeatable Costs, Letting You Channel Your Sales Budgets To What Really Brings Customers In.

Unlock the Power of Google Workspace For Sales Operations Automation

Time Saving Up To

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Zenphi reduce the time it takes to process documents within their Sales processes by up to 75%. This allows the teams to dedicate more time to engaging with customers and closing deals instead of focusing on mundane tasks like quote, contracts and agreement generation.
Zenphi customers who automated the invoicing process through IDP have reported a significant reduction in the average days sales outstanding. By speeding up invoice creation and distribution, payments are received sooner, which enhances cash flow. 

Reduced Days Sales Outstanding By

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Sales Cycle Faster

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Automated quote and contract generation ensures rapid response times to customer inquiries and needs, speeding up the decision-making process. Zenphi users report significant increase in sales cycle speed after using automations for 2 months.

Combined Power Of Generative AI & Google

Zenphi empowers sales teams by harnessing the power of Google apps and generative AI to automate essential sales processes—from generating and approving quotes to creating agreements, invoicing, and onboarding customers. By streamlining operations and accelerating sales cycles, Zenphi not only boosts efficiency but also saves thousands on expensive subscriptions and eliminates the need to increase staff, even as demands grow.

Eliminate The Routine, Empower People to Excel

By automating routine processes, Zenphi liberates sales teams from mundane tasks, enabling them to channel their talents where they matter most—engaging with clients, refining sales strategies, and closing deals.

Streamline Your Success With Zenphi Automations

By using Google Workspace applications and embedded AI models Zenphi automates most critical sales processes and saves your team loads of time.


Sales teams using Zenphi cite efficient volume management as the biggest benefit. With Zenphi, they can handle fluctuating transaction volumes without any changes to staffing

Sales Quote Generation, Approval & Emailing

Generate professional sales quotes with your company's logo added as a watermark, submit them for approval and email to a lead automatically — all in a smooth, set-and-forget workflow.

HubSpot-based Workflows

Unlock advanced HubSpot features without overpaying with Zenphi's automations. Automate new leads onboarding with advanced segmentations based on your custom parameters; automate contacts and companies updates, deal management and more

Sales and Legal Contract Generation & Review

Automate your process for sales contracts to be generated by Generative AI, go through necessary approvals with the Legal team before sending back to the account executive to and the customer for electronic signature. All steps can be triggered by a single event (for example, new contact created) and run automatically.

Customized Emailing Workflows

Easy to manage Zenphi workflows that you can use to automate your customized emailing to customers, leads, opportunities without any fancy SaaS applications or purchasing premium plans with your CRM providers. All you need is Gmail and Google Sheets

AI-Powered Invoice Generation

Utilize Zenphi's advanced AI Models to extract necessary data from unstructured documents (like agreements and contracts), use it to create invoices and email them automatically to a customer.


Celebrating Their Wins With Our Solution

Implementing Zenphi has been a game-changer for our sales operations. We've seen significant cost reductions, saving thousands each month on software subscriptions alone. More importantly, our sales cycles have sped up dramatically, enabling us to close deals faster and more efficiently than ever before. Zenphi has not just met, but exceeded our expectations in transforming our sales process
Eleanor Still
VP of sales, Legal Services

We'll help you get started

Are you new to sales workflow automation, or wanting advice on the best way to set up your workflows? 

Our dedicated Customer Success team and network of implementation partners ensure you’re never alone when it comes to understanding how to make the most of your automation opportunities.

Simply sign up for a trial and book in a free, no-obligation call with one of our friendly Automation Experts. We’ll help you get set up at no cost, and work with you to build your first automation.


Zenphi can automate a wide range of sales processes, including quote generation and approval, agreement creation, invoice processing, and new customer onboarding.

You can begin by signing up for a free trial to explore Zenphi’s capabilities firsthand. However, to fully leverage our platform and tailor it to your specific needs, we recommend speaking with our experts. They can assist you in building and optimizing your sales automation workflows, ensuring a smooth and effective integration into your sales strategy.

Zenphi integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace, leveraging apps like Gmail, Google Forms, Sheets, Docs, and Drive to streamline and enhance your sales processes directly within your existing Google environment.

Zenphi sets itself apart by deeply integrating with Google Workspace and leveraging the power of generative AI to simplify complex tasks. This enables advanced document generation and automation of intricate workflows, all without extensive technical knowledge. Its cost-effectiveness and user-friendly design also make it uniquely suited to enhance sales efficiency and effectiveness, providing substantial benefits over other automation tools.

Yes, Zenphi is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to non-technical users. Its intuitive interface allows sales teams to set up and manage automations without needing IT expertise.

Zenphi facilitates the automation process, ensuring your data remains within your Google Workspace environment for utmost security and control. Learn more about Zenphi’s data security policy.