10 Best Document Workflow Automation Templates for Google Workspace

How-To , Intelligent Document Processing , IT Use Cases, , , , , ,

Most organizations face the challenge of dealing with enormous amounts of documents on a daily basis, ranging from invoices and quotes to certificates, agreements, and contracts. For those still relying on manual document management, this can become a real headache, consuming valuable employee time, costing money, and impacting customer satisfaction. Fortunately, there’s a solution – …

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Intelligent Document Processing for Google Workspace Users

HR Use Cases , Intelligent Document Processing , Legal Use Cases , zenphi Use Cases

Documents are paramount to any organization’s workflow. However, 75% of the data is primarily in an unstructured format that first needs to be systematized. This is why companies today are trying to find ways to map this overwhelming amount of information. Obviously, there is an increased need for better-functioning data search technology. Especially, in light …

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