Artificial Intelligence in Business for Google Workspace Users

General , HR Use Cases , IT Use Cases , Legal Use Cases , Marketing Use Cases , Sales Use Cases , zenphi Use Cases

The rise of artificial intelligence in business presents a huge opportunity for companies of all types. From boosting efficiency, increasing revenue, uncovering new opportunities for growth, and helping minimize risk, intelligent automation brings with it the potential for big benefits. And if you’re a Google Workspace user, getting started with AI is probably easier than …

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Automate Your Supplier Invoice Approval Workflow on Google Workspace

How-To , Sales Use Cases , zenphi Use Cases, , ,

Supplier invoicing is one of the many and recurring business processes that take place in a business setting. AccountingTools define supplier invoice as: “The bill issued by a vendor for goods delivered or services rendered to a customer. The recipient of a supplier invoice issues its own invoices to its customers, and so may refer …

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