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Resolve your Staff Shortages with No-Code Process Automation


Resolve your Staff Shortages with No-Code Process Automation

“Colleague Wanted” is a common refrain among employers today.  At the end of Q3 2021, there were 126 jobs for every 100 job seekers in the European Union! In other words, there is an apparent labour shortage in almost all business sectors.  While this may be good news for job seekers, it certainly creates problems.  The staff shortage directly influences the strategic priorities of every employer; the satisfied customers, the satisfied employees, and the low operational costs.  How does No-Code process automation resolve staff shortages?

Replacing a departed employee is very expensive.  First, there are the costs of recruiting and selecting candidate employees.  Then, thanks to the scarce labour market, your candidate is likely more costly than the one that left.  Some employers try to fill the vacancies with less qualified personnel,  however that can have all kinds of unforeseen unfavourable consequences.  Employers should therefore do everything they can to retain valued employees.

Does Digitization Resolve Staff Shortages?

It is not likely that the shortage in the labour market will disappear in the short term.  So employers must look for ways to increase the productivity of their employees to absorb the staff shortages.  Further digitization and automation of processes do play a significant role to resolve staff shortages.

Despite the general use of ICT in organisations, international research shows that employees still spend more than 30% of their time on repetitive manual tasks.  And precisely, this type of work is easy to automate.  Automation makes an employer less sensitive to shortages in the labour market, and the production and services to customers remain up to standard.

Shortage of IT Specialists

When automating the processes, employers invest in innovative digital techniques.  Such as fully automating the processing of supplier invoices with Artificial Intelligence.  Applying these innovations requires specialised IT knowledge that organisations do not have.  That forces employers to hire this knowledge from specialised ICT service providers.

However, the labour market for ICT personnel is also experiencing a severe shortage of excellent and experienced employees for some time.  The risk is that the digitization and automation of organisational processes will not get off the ground due to the shortage of ICT specialists.

The Automator Automated

For a long time, automating processes was the work of IT professionals.  Backed by a battery of tools, these professionals developed software.  Making good software requires a lot of experience and knowledge.  And many employers have been unpleasantly surprised by the many person-hours of ICT specialists and the high costs it takes to develop good software programs.

In response, a new generation of software has emerged: Low-Code and No-Code software.  Although often mentioned in the same breath, they are two different types of software.  Low-Code software is developed to increase the productivity of the ICT specialists.  It automates specific actions of the programmer, but not (by far) everything.  No-Code software is designed to automate processes without support from software developers.  In fact, automate the Automater.

No-Code process automation, faster results!

In addition to reducing the dependency on ICT specialists, there are two other significant advantages for No-Code software.

To automate processes, you need to know how those processes work.  IT specialists are not the specialists of your business processes; your employees are the specialists! That is why automation experts rightly claim appropriate and sufficient user participation in their automation projects.  Your employees explain how the software can best support their processes to the automation experts.  And later on, they need to check if the automated processes work as demanded.  You might be right when you think this is not a practical usage of your employees’ precious time.

Changes in customer preferences and requirements from the government lead to new demands for an organisation.  Many employers will want to respond to this, and this often means that the processes have to be adjusted.  And then again, they face the need for employee participation to explain to the IT specialists and test the changed automated processes.  With No-Code software, an employee can automate his processes and change his automated processes himself.   So he can act faster.

 No-Code process automation; resolve staff shortages for you!

With No-Code software, employees can automate the processes themselves, which is faster and saves on the time and costs of the Automaters.  And No-Code makes an organisation also less vulnerable to changes in your workforce and availability in the labour market!

Want to know more?

Would you like to discuss the benefits of process automation with no code, what the benefits are for you and how you can automate your processes or do you have other questions?

Please feel free to contact us.  We like to think along with you: succes@zenphi.com

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