
4 Ways to Boost HubSpot Automation with Google Workspace

Marketing Use Cases , Sales Use Cases, , ,

HubSpot, a leading CRM platform, offers powerful automation features to help businesses optimize their marketing, sales, and customer service operations. However, there are instances where more complex, multi-step operations or integrations with other systems, such as Google Workspace, are required. This is where zenphi, a no-code process automation platform designed for Google Workspace, comes into …

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QuickBooks Automation: 5 Scenarios to Transform FinOps

Finance Use Cases, , , , ,

QuickBooks, a powerful accounting software, is essential for businesses of all sizes to manage their finances efficiently. While QuickBooks offers a wide range of features to streamline financial processes, automation takes it to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of QuickBooks automation, the best approaches to implement it, and five scenarios …

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6 Ways to Automate Trello and Boost Your Productivity

How-To , zenphi Use Cases, , , , ,

Task management tools like Trello are our trusty companions in the world of work, assisting us daily in the organization and streamlining of our projects. But what if you could make Trello even more efficient? Automation is the answer! While Trello offers some built-in automation features, they often come with limitations, especially when it comes …

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Automate Purchase Order Processing with Google Forms and zenphi

Finance Use Cases , zenphi Use Cases, , , , , , ,

Purchase order management is a critical aspect of efficient procurement. In this hands-on guide, we’ll demonstrate how you can expedite and automate purchase order processing using Google Workspace tools like Forms, Sheets, Docs, and zenphi—a no-code business process automation platform designed for Google Workspace users. Automate Purchase Order Scenario Imagine a scenario where Company A …

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Exploring Apps Script: Send Email Capabilities + More Simple Alternatives

How-To, , , ,

Apps Script is a versatile scripting platform that allows you to streamline your email workflows. In this guide, we’ll delve into how to use Apps Script to send emails automatically, answer common questions about email automation, and provide insights into innovative automation strategies that extend beyond the conventional Apps Script approach presenting you with a …

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July Product Updates: Streamline Google Sheets Workflow with New Actions, Experience Enhanced zenphi Forms, and Handle Errors Smarter

Product Updates, ,

Greetings! We hope you had a productive month. July was another busy month for our team, focusing on another bunch of feature updates designed to make your automated processes even more powerful. Our aim is to free up your time and resources, allowing you and your team to focus on the human side of work …

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10 Best Document Workflow Automation Templates for Google Workspace

How-To , Intelligent Document Processing , IT Use Cases, , , , , ,

Most organizations face the challenge of dealing with enormous amounts of documents on a daily basis, ranging from invoices and quotes to certificates, agreements, and contracts. For those still relying on manual document management, this can become a real headache, consuming valuable employee time, costing money, and impacting customer satisfaction. Fortunately, there’s a solution – …

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Automate Schools COVID Contact Tracing Process on Google Workspace

How-To , zenphi Use Cases, , , , ,

It’s been a little over two years since our lives have been impacted by Coronavirus. It has impacted the way we live, the way we work, the way we communicate. Most companies and schools were well positioned to transition to fully digital a lot faster, thanks to platforms like Google Workspace. However, the Covid situation …

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Automate Your Supplier Invoice Approval Workflow on Google Workspace

How-To , Sales Use Cases , zenphi Use Cases, , ,

Supplier invoicing is one of the many and recurring business processes that take place in a business setting. AccountingTools define supplier invoice as: “The bill issued by a vendor for goods delivered or services rendered to a customer. The recipient of a supplier invoice issues its own invoices to its customers, and so may refer …

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